臺灣天然漆百年史徐玉富 徐苑菁 History of Taiwan  Lacquer 2022年7月全彩精裝出版上市.jpg

Book Announcement-臺灣天然漆百年史

Book Announcement-臺灣天然漆百年史

Book Announcement-臺灣天然漆百年史

Book Announcement-臺灣天然漆百年史

Book Announcement-臺灣天然漆百年史

Book Announcement-臺灣天然漆百年史


臺灣天然漆百年史 徐玉富 徐苑菁 著

Hundred Years’ History of Taiwan Lacquer.

Cent ans d'histoire de la laque de Taïwan.

 Authors: Yu-Fu Hsu & Yuan-Ching Hsu

文∕徐苑菁 Article By Yuan-Ching Hsu in July 2022.

Hello, this is Yuan-Ching Hsu, wish everyone’s dreams come true in 2023, hope Taiwan Lacquer can be exist forever, let the world see Taiwan Lacquer and 100 years' History of Taiwan Lacquer.



  ※向世界揭露台灣漆工藝歷史的真相※ 1921年是誰的研究?《臺灣漆藝文化研究》頁24註57、《尋根與展望:臺灣的漆器》…….?台灣漆工藝歷史發生了什麼?What Happened Today In History of Taiwan Lacquer? 向世界揭露台灣漆工藝歷史的真相:台灣漆工藝起緣、台東漆、台灣漆(安南漆樹)、1921年是誰的研究(以往台灣漆工藝界舉辦各項活動、文化界、教育界、研究論文、相關書籍、報章雜誌、新聞媒體…等論述的1921年,是誰的研究?)•••••••?
#What Happened Today In History of Taiwan Lacquer?
關於「安南漆」引進台灣最早的歷史記錄是「臺灣殖漆株式會社」社長三皷幸三郎發表的文獻《安南漆と臺灣漆》頁20記載:日本政府「國產漆增殖」保護獎勵政策加重「臺灣漆」重大使命,「臺灣總督府林業試驗所」大正6 年(1917)以來施行安南漆樹的移植造林及採集的試驗研究。
1. 田代安定記錄的大正9 年(1920)。
2. 吉井隆盛發表的同一篇期刊記錄大正10 年(1921)和大正11 年(1922):《安南漆》,吉井隆盛,臺灣山林會,昭和9 年(1934)1 月1 日,頁15記錄的大正10 年(1921);然而,就在同一篇期刊,頁22、24 二頁卻又記錄大正11 年(1922)輸入,於埔里盆地蓮華池播種。
#What Happened Today In History of Taiwan Lacquer?




世界圖書館 The World Library

德國柏林國家圖書館 Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin


經得起時間嚴厲檢驗的「臺灣天然漆百年史」,很榮幸的收藏於「德國柏林國家圖書館 Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin」,本書持續在全球著名圖書館發光發熱永流傳,讓世界看見台灣。😃👍📖
美國國家圖書館 United States Library of Congress (LOC).https://lccn.loc.gov/2022401319


美國加州大學柏克萊分校圖書館 UC Berkeley Libraryhttps://search.library.berkeley.edu/permalink/01UCS_BER/s4lks2/cdi_jndl_porta_oai_ndlsearch_ndl_go_jp_R100000136_I1130577121818324004

英屬哥倫比亞大學 UBC Libraryhttps://resolve.library.ubc.ca/cgi-bin/catsearch?bid=12371562

北京大學圖書館(索書號 TQ637/5 ):https://go.exlibris.link/9Z3pv5cn


臺灣圖書館 Taiwan Library




臺北市立圖書館:總館/道藩/建成/西中 https://book.tpml.edu.tw/bookDetail/827503




國立臺灣大學圖書館 National Taiwan University Library:https://ntu.primo.exlibrisgroup.com/permalink/886NTU_INST/14poklj/alma991039026777404786


國立陽明交通大學圖書館 | NYCU Library:https://nycu.primo.exlibrisgroup.com/permalink/886UST_NYCU/1uq600n/alma991003718295706772








臺灣天然漆百年史繪本故事:博物館漆畫歷險 The adventures of lacquer painting in museum,徐苑菁編著。








臺灣天然漆百年史繪本故事:漆童話 : 天使的眼淚 Lacquer fairy tale : the angel’s tears 徐苑菁編著







  《臺灣天然漆百年史》記載八百多年的「臺灣漆」歷史文化,以多元視角:台灣的歷史、文化、人文社會科學、自然科學、物理、化學、美學工藝、娛樂、醫藥等方位呈現「臺灣漆」,期待讓台灣人及世界認識瞭解、看見即將消逝的「臺灣漆」。「臺灣漆史」即「臺灣史」,「臺灣漆Taiwan Lacquer」全面深刻的影響著每一位臺灣人,身為臺灣人的您,絕對不能錯過!

《臺灣天然漆百年史》徐玉富、徐苑菁 著,2013年5月~2022年7月完成,2022年7月全彩精裝隆重出版上市,出版社:世界客家出版社,封面設計:芊喜文化 楊雅媖,敬邀蒞臨民國111年(2022)9月3日新書發表會!精采影片歡迎踴躍分享https://youtu.be/ctiAHOQsLes

The book “One Hundred Years of Natural Lacquer in Taiwan” Witnesses and Preserves the Cultural Assets of Taiwan’s Natural Lacquer Industry- Life- Liberty Times Newsletter:https://taiwan.postsen.com/local/19581/The-book-One-Hundred-Years-of-Natural-Lacquer-in-Taiwan-Witnesses-and-Preserves-the-Cultural-Assets-of-Taiwan%E2%80%99s-Natural-Lacquer-Industry--Life--Liberty-Times-Newsletter.html
《臺灣天然漆百年史》館藏於匯聚臺灣及亞洲的歷史研究、文化、思潮的藏書寶庫「中研院人文社會科學聯合圖書館 Joint Library of Humanities and Social Sciences, Academia Sinica Library」,新書展示中(索書號:465.609 2813 2022)https://hslib.sinica.edu.tw
《台灣天然漆百年史》專書 見證與保存台灣天然漆產業文化財https://news.ltn.com.tw/news/life/breakingnews/4047079
《臺灣天然漆百年史》新書發表 認識埔里產業【客家新聞20220903】https://youtu.be/78VphWFnuAc
徐玉富與家人共蒐資料 記錄臺灣天然漆史【客家新聞20220818】https://youtu.be/c4pXSQImr5s

臺灣天然漆百年史 History of Taiwan Lacquer 影片製作:徐苑菁 Yuan-Ching Hsu




  • 800多年前達悟族(Tao People)的漆拼板舟(Lacquered Canoes)、臺東漆樹與東臺原住民族(Taiwan Indigenous People)漆工藝文化史。台灣原住民朋友們:達悟族、阿美族、排灣族、卑南族、…,還記得祖先留下來的百年漆文化嗎?遺忘、失傳了?沒關係,《臺灣天然漆百年史》為您找回珍貴的漆寶藏,讓每位原住民朋友們能夠繼續向兒孫們述說著800多年前發生在臺灣這塊土地上卻已經消失的漆故事,讓東臺原住民族百年漆工藝文化史能夠源遠流長,代代相傳。
  • 您知道百年前,漆器茶箱畫師手繪出美麗臺灣風情的漆器茶箱伴隨著風靡歐美的福爾摩沙臺灣茶(Formosa Taiwan Tea)飄香海外的迷人故事嗎?
  • 身為臺灣人,您知道百年前臺灣人搭乘的華麗火車是手工髹塗天然漆的嗎?
  • 身為臺灣人,您知道宏偉壯麗的中華民國臺灣總統府是手工髹塗天然漆的嗎?您知道漆塗的中華民國臺灣總統府舉辦盛大的台灣博覽會展覽台灣漆器嗎?







有鑑於此,2022年《臺灣天然漆百年史》作者:徐玉富 Yu-Fu Hsu、徐苑菁 Yuan-Ching Hsu,二位作者歷經至少10年(2013~2022)的長時間全面嚴謹周密的調查研究、蒐集整合資料,從臺灣的歷史學、人類學、民族學及政經、文化藝術、教育、生物科技、國防、產業發展…等的角度 Taiwan Lacquer History, Anthropology and Ethnology: Indigenous People, Hokkien Dadaocheng, Hakka People, Taiwan Youth League, Political Economy, Culture, Art, Education, Biochemistry, National Defense…all kinds of fields of Taiwan. ),詳實記錄好幾個世代的臺灣人累積留下的珍貴「臺灣漆」歷史、文化、藝術、產業發展的軌跡,目前追溯至800多年前,一一真實揭露「百年臺灣漆工藝文化產業史」的全貌,2022年「看見臺灣漆百年史」,「臺灣漆史」即「臺灣史」! 《臺灣天然漆百年史》不僅僅是關於臺灣漆、漆器和漆藝的書,更是台灣從遠古至今的歷史,全方位闡述並詳實記錄台灣漆的歷史,紮實完整的內容,提供各個領域的專家學者、研究人員、一般讀者最多元豐富的資訊。敬邀有興趣研究瞭解「臺灣漆史」及「臺灣史」的本國或外國人士閱讀,透過本書看見「臺灣漆   Taiwan Lacquer 」。「臺灣漆史」即「臺灣史」,「臺灣漆Taiwan Lacquer」全面深刻的影響著每一位臺灣人,身為臺灣人的您,絕對不能錯過!作者徐苑菁 Yuan-Ching Hsu 期待《臺灣天然漆百年史》的每一位讀者都能成為說故事高手,將精采的臺灣漆百年歷史文化故事傳給下一代,讓臺灣的孩子們在多元漆文化的腦力激盪下,啟發無限的想像力與創造力,每一位孩子都能成為傑出的臺灣漆藝術家。

The most beautiful island with multiple cultural traditions and arts in the world, it’s Formosa Taiwan!

“The History of Taiwan Lacquer” is “The History of Taiwan” that is the most important history to Taiwan for more than 800 years, why has been completely disappeared, ignored and underappreciated?

What Happened Today In History of Taiwan Lacquer?

The authors of Hundred Years’ History of Taiwan Lacquer, Yu-Fu Hsu and Yuan-Ching Hsu, both of us spent more than ten years completing recording and revealing the real history of Taiwan lacquer, involving Anthropology, Ethnology, History, Politics, Economics, Education, Culture, Art, Biochemistry, National Defense…etc. all kinds of professional fields. Hundred Years’ History of Taiwan Lacquer is the most important cultural property of Taiwan.

  • 臺灣漆藝文化史起源自800多年前的達悟族(Tao People)漆拼板舟(Lacquered Canoes),台東漆樹、台灣漆藝與台灣原住民族:The Origins of Cultural History of Taiwan Lacquer Art is Lacquered Canoes of Tao People coating and decorating with sap of Taitung Lacquer Trees. Taitung Lacquer Trees, Taiwan Lacquer Art and Taiwan Indigenous People.
  • 清治時代臺灣閩南大稻埕的漆產業、漆器茶箱與福爾摩沙台灣茶:Lacquer Industries of Hokkien Dadaocheng, Lacquered Tea Boxes and Formosa Taiwan Tea during Qing Dynasty Rule.
  • 日治時代臺灣總督府推行臺灣漆國策產業:最大的行動漆藝作品—漆器火車列車,漆藝實業工業教育,「臺灣總督府中央研究所林業部」與「臺灣殖漆株式會社」合作建設與分析臺灣漆,臺灣青年團漆山奉仕作業:The Governor-General of Taiwan implemented National Policy of Taiwan Lacquer: The largest moveable lacquer art crafts of Taiwan are lacquered trains and rails, Taiwan Technology and Industrial Education of Lacquer Art, The Department of Forestry of The Central Research Institute of Taiwan Governor-General cooperated with The Taiwanese Lacquer Trees & Industry Corporation for Establishment and Analysis of Taiwan Lacquer, Taiwan Youth League planted Taiwan Lacquer Trees on the Lacquer Mountains during the Japanese period.
  • 臺灣最宏偉壯麗的漆藝作品暨臺灣博覽會漆器展售中心—漆塗臺灣總統府:The Tremendous Lacquer Art Craft of Taiwan as well as The Largest and Greatest Taiwan Exhibition Center of Taiwan Lacquer is Lacquered Taiwan Presidential Office.
  • 富有臺灣客家特色的「龍南天然漆博物館」守護國家的歷史及文化寶藏—臺灣天然漆百年史:Hakka Cultural Characteristics of Long Nan Museum of Natural Lacquer Wares protects historical and cultural property of Taiwan, Hundred Years’ History of Taiwan Lacquer.





  「臺灣漆史」即「臺灣史」,「臺灣漆Taiwan Lacquer」全面深刻的影響著每一位臺灣人,身為臺灣人的您,絕對不能錯過!
序言一 徐苑菁  8
序言二 徐玉富  13
第一篇 中日漆文化史 
第一章 中國漆文化史  18
第二章 日本漆文化史  21
第三章 臺灣漆藝集中日漆文化精華 23
第二篇 臺灣天然漆百年史
前言 臺灣土產:漆 27
第一章 清治時期漆產業(1683~1895年) 31
第二章 日治時期漆產業(1895~1945年) 32
第三章 臺灣光復後臺灣漆產業推進 85
第四章 臺灣煉漆廠 113
第五章 龍南創業沿革 148
第三篇 臺灣漆器文化史
前言 臺灣八百多年漆器文化史:雅美(達悟)族漆拼板舟 267
第一章 清治時期漆器產業發展 280
第二章 日治時期漆器產業發展 286
第三章 臺灣光復後漆器產業發展 338
第四篇 徐玉富開拓日本漆市場日記
第一章 井筒商事及大楊公司記事 398
第二章 中常漆工藝記事 403
第三章 藤井漆工藝記事 407
第四章 土肥忠商店記事 415
第五章 永瀨老師的人工天然漆 427
第六章 田中實業通訊記事 430
第五篇 天然漆魅力探討
第一章 「漆」的定義 439
第二章 天然漆成分探討 439
第三章 漆成分分析 440
第四章 漆成分分工 441
第五章 生漆成分可溶性 443
第六章 天然漆的主要成分及其作用  443
第七章 漆液乾燥硬化成膜的構造  448
第八章 天然漆與高分子 450
第九章 漆塗膜強韌的理由 450
第十章 漆塗膜的耐久性 451
第十一章 天然漆特性 452
第十二章 環保的天然漆 456
第六篇 漆樹與天然漆 
第一章 臺灣的漆樹種類 459
第二章 天然漆有關的植物介紹 466
第三章 漆樹是高經濟作物 472
第四章 採割漆液 483
第七篇 天然漆作為塗裝材料 
第一章 從種漆樹到塗裝 506
第二章 天然漆的運用 506
第三章 塗料之王—天然漆 507
第四章 生漆 507
第五章 精製漆 507
第六章 精製漆種類 508
第七章 龍南煉精漆技術 509
第八章 透明漆優、劣質因素 510
第九章 漆液品質鑑定 511
第十章 如何分辨真假漆器? 513
第十一章 影響漆液品質之原因 514
第十二章 漆品質鑑定師 516
第十三章 賣假漆的人 522
第十四章 漆品質的判斷功夫 522
第十五章 加鹽巴的漆 523
第十六章 過濾漆工法 523
第十七章 天然漆乾燥條件 524
第十八章 故宮博物院漆藝交流 525
第十九章 漆保存法 527
第二十章 漆桶文化 529
第八篇 漆藝技法 
第一章 漆器製作概述 538
第二章 髹塗樂器及器物實例 540
第三章 漆藝技法介紹 541
第四章 古漆器修護 544
第五章 鑑定古漆器 545
第六章 漆工材料 546
第九篇 漆雜學 
第一章 養生的天然漆 553
第二章 漆的藥效傳說 553
第三章 發現埔里天然漆抗癌成分 554
第四章 漆抗菌 560
第五章 臺灣漆香菇 561
第六章 臺灣漆花蜜 562
第七章 漆咖啡 563
第八章 漆花酒 565
第九章 漆瘡─生漆過敏症 565
第十章 漆蠟與漆蠟燭 568
第十一章 漆百科 569
第十篇 漆故事 
第一章 漆農日記 572
第二章 空中飛人 573
第三章 賣血精 573
第四章 漆農買菜比人貴 573
第五章 溜滑梯 574
第六章 液體黃金 574
第七章 搭車漆桶要買車票 575
第八章 埔里天然漆行的口碑 575
第九章 老兵日誌 576
第十章 崁斗山名律師 577
第十一章 虛情假意 578
第十二章 催款甘苦談 579
第十三章 漆瘡故事 581
第十一篇 臺灣漆產業文物
第一章 臺灣採漆文化暨工具器物 591
第二章 臺灣原住民漆文物 596
第三章 清治臺灣漆器 597
第四章 日治臺灣漆器 598
第五章 民國臺灣漆器 608
第六章 臺灣漆器家具 610
第十二篇 漆藝作品
第一章 徐玉富履歷暨漆藝創作 612
第二章 徐仁樑履歷暨漆藝創作 619

《臺灣天然漆百年史》作者:徐玉富 Yu-Fu Hsu、徐苑菁 Yuan-Ching Hsu






#Taiwan Lacquer

#Long Nan Lacquer



#臺東漆樹與東臺原住民族(Taiwan Indigenous People)漆工藝文化史


#Formosa Tea 福爾摩沙 臺灣茶 台灣茶

#Formosa Tea and Lacquered Tea Boxes.








#龍南天然漆博物館(龍南漆器 Long Nan Lacquer











#Taiwan Lacquered Trains







#Lacquered Taiwan Presidential Office.

#Taiwan Exhibitions of Taiwan Lacquer.



























#臺東漆樹與東臺原住民族(Taiwan Indigenous People)漆工藝文化史















#中華民國總統蔣介石Chiang Kai Shek

#中華人民共和國國務院總理周恩來四條件事 Zhou Enlai’s Four Conditions.


#漆陶兵馬俑 Lacquered Terracotta Army


徐玉富學經歷:承續徐氏客家家族百年臺灣漆產業,從年少至今與世界級學者專家專業研究及鑑定、提升漆品質;民國77年成立「龍南天然漆博物館」推廣臺灣漆文化並擔任館長至今;民國87年獲聘「南投地方法院」調解委員至今;民國96年獲聘「行政院客家委員會」諮詢委員至今;民國96年(2007)「龍南」徐仁樑榮獲臺北「國立故宮博物院」典藏剔紅漆器、民國98315日「國立故宮博物院」院長周功鑫博士帶領一級主管參觀「龍南天然漆博物館」;民國105219日「日本石川縣輪島市議會拓政會—臺灣友好交流團」議長、議員共11位貴賓,透過外交部與「龍南天然漆博物館」交流;民國105年(2016414日法國羅浮宮(Musée du Louvre)繪畫修護專員蒞臨參訪。民國105525日,館長徐玉富收到來自法國的感謝函:由衷感謝「龍南天然漆博物館」將傳承六代以上的寶貴經驗分享,期待未來彼此能繼續交流互動。


徐苑菁記錄「臺灣漆百年歷史文化」的著作:2016年出版《博物館漆畫歷險 The Adventures of Lacquer Painting In Museum》、2017年出版《漆童話:天使的眼淚 Lacquer Fairy Tale: The Angel’s Tears》、2022年出版《臺灣天然漆百年史》Hundred Years’ History of Taiwan Lacquer. 徐玉富、徐苑菁。















    龍南天然漆博物館,是臺灣碩果僅存的漆產業,歷經徐家六代人的努力,每一代都付出極大的貢獻、努力打拼,典藏清治、日治、民國時期臺灣天然漆發展之漆器、煉漆原始文物及檔案多達數千件,1962年~64年臺灣安南漆品質、漆樹品種改良成功、獲得國際肯定,2002年嘉義大學教授 邱義源博士(現任校長),在龍南天然漆博物館舉辦天然漆抗癌發表會/日本漆藝傳統技法交流,同步與國際知名的美國化學會天然物期刊發表,榮獲日本雅虎2002年7月22日YAHOO JAPAN 世界の博物館,2007年12月榮獲臺北國立故宮博物院採購,仿故宮院藏『清代剔紅花卉小圓盒』一組。道出臺灣漆工藝的歷史,讓臺灣特有客家漆文化產業永續發展,是值得被學習、體驗的社區博物館。




                                                     館長 徐玉富 謹識





























民國91年(2002)10月14日,嘉義大學校長邱義源博士、台灣大學醫學院醫事技術學研究所教授林○萍博士、成功大學化學系教授吳○琳博士,在「龍南天然漆博物館」舉辦「埔里天然漆新發現抗癌成份說明會/日本漆藝傳統技法交流」同步與國際知名的美國化學會ACS(American Chemical Society)天然物期刊(Journal of Natural Products)發表,受到國際學術界高度肯定。貴賓團:南投縣長林宗男等數十人,日本貴賓團:團長:蜷川彰博士等10位,蒞臨指導。


















The role Taiwan played in the history of natural lacquer.

Bohdan Urbanowicz, 徐莉菁Regent Hsu, 徐苑菁Yuan-Ching Hsu



End of Ming beginning of Qin Dynasty is where Taiwan natural lacquer starts to develop. 1683 ~ 1895 in this period skillful lacquered artisans migrated from China to Taiwan. The lacquer was required for religious statues, and daily commodities. The art of lacquered furniture industry developed in Lukang (鹿港) and Daxi (大溪) for hundreds of years. Tuatutia (大稻埕) a part of Taipei where was the center of refined lacquer business and supplied all Taiwan. Production of lacquer initiated in central Taiwan.


1895 Taiwan became a Colony of Japan or Japan occupied Taiwan, whatever it might be called Japanese were here.  The current ruling Government enthusiastically promoted lacquer ware through exhibitions and other events. Especially Aray Taiji and Akira Yamanaka developed lacquer skills and organized many lacquer ware events. 1918 The Forestry Experimental Station under the aegis of the Regenerative and Products Bureau of the Governor General's Office (臺灣總督府殖產局林業試驗場) imported seeds from Japan and Vietnam that were planted in Yuzhi (魚池鄉) the Lienhuachih Medicinal Plants Cultivation Experiment Field (蓮華池藥用植物栽培試驗地). Annamite lacquer trees (Rhus succedanea L. var. dumoutieri Kudo & Matsura) were the winner. 1929 Saito Urushiten Co., creatred laboratory in Miauli Tongluo Village (苗栗銅鑼).  For planting lacquer trees, concentrating on annamite lacquer trees (Rhus succedanea L. var. dumoutieri Kudo & Matsura). 1936 Summer, the sap was ready to collect, with this Taiwanese Lacquer Industry was born. 1940 Taiwanese Lacquer Trees Corporation was founded. 1942 Japanese style refined lacquer production was started and achieved the goals for lacquer nationalization; it was named Tongluo Lacquer Refinery Factory. It was first Taiwanese lacquer production.


Longnan Natural Lacquer museum and production is 6 gernerations old and the only survivor. Some of museums exhibits are reaching from Qing and Japanese Colonization times. Museum contains historical spectrum of tools as well trading and thousands lacquer related documents. 1962~ 1964 Longnan improved cultivar of Taiwan lacquer trees and high quality lacquer recognized internationally. 2002邱義源Dr. Chio Yu Ren Principle Jia Yi University, proved that natural lacquer fights cancer. The ACS(American Chemical Society) has posted research reports on Journal of Natural Products. 2002 July 22nd, Longnan was awarder "Museum of The World" by Yahoo Japan. 2007 December Taipei National Palace Museum requested from Longnan to create a replicas of Qing Dynasty carved lacquered flower box. Longnan preserves the artisan skills of Lacquer.


Taiwanese Government organized Asia Lacquer ware event. It brought new ideas. Participants were from Taiwan, China, Japan, Korea and Vietnam. In Taiwan there are 5 locations where art exhibits can be viewed. It includes description, material, and dimensions for letting natural lacquer art lovers to learn more about it. 

Welcome to our Museum


Yu-Fu Hsu, Director of Longnan Natural Lacquer Museum.

June 2017


The natural lacquer in Taiwan was a culture of its own. The natural lacquer of Lukan, Taiwan was appreciated even before Qin Dynasty.


In more recent history, starting at the beginning of 19 hundreds. More precisely 1918 Taiwanese Government foresaw a business opportunity in lacquer trees. To add this crucial resource, the Government (Governor-General's Office in Lien Hua Chih Research Center) has setup a laboratory a nursery for annamite lacquer trees (Rhus succedanea L. var. dumoutieri Kudo & Matsura) at first in Yuzhi (魚池鄉) a part of Nantou City. They chose a lily pound Lien Hua Chih (蓮華池) (the name designates as well location), to make first lacquer trees nursery. After that the test proceeded in Miaoli Tongluo Village (苗栗銅鑼).


Then after in 1956 Mr. A-Long-Hsu(Xu)(徐阿龍) a wise agricultural businessman (whose family until this day continue natural lacquer tradition) moved his family with the lacquer trees to the Puli(埔里) Valley. A city located in Nantou County. The only County in Taiwan, that is without access to open waters although the famous Sun-Moon Lake is nearby. Where they actually found their home on 2500 hectares of top soil. The perfect natural environment with reach soil contributed to the richness of the trees at the same production of lacquer. That arrangement started 30 golden years. At its peak it nourished about 20,000 people with over 10,000 lacquer farmers. 70% of the involved in that business were Hakka. You could say that Hakka people contributed or created the natural lacquer culture of Taiwan.

Interesting to say, with these trees also in Puli (埔里) Lacquer forest appeared ghosts, lots of ghost. At least it seemed for most of the town people. Needless to say, those were the hardworking people with lights attached on their heads, collecting tree sap at night at which point the tree veins are most open and are most productive that is just few grams from each tree. There was another obstacle; rain, lacquer and rain from business point of view do not mix at all.


In 1956 Mr. A-Long-Hsu(Xu)(徐阿龍) Inherited family business and turned into natural lacquer.


In 1958 the Japanese annual market called for 572 tons of natural lacquer from which 80% came from China. At that year China stop exporting to Japan. That fact created panic on the lacquer market. Japanese companies seek fulfillment in Taiwan at least partially. That was beginning of a beautiful friendship between Taiwan and Japan. At this very time the price of lacquer in half year sore drastically. From beginning of the year TWD$50~60/Kg all the way up to TWD$800/Kg. Civil servant earned monthly salary of TWD$200 and rice was priced at TWD$20 for 7kg.

Puli Produced about 9 Tons a year, with a significant profit which attracted more participants to bring their lands to the table.


In 1959 Mr. A-Long-Hsu(徐阿龍) seek advice from forestry specialist Mr. A-Sang-Ye (葉阿裳) (of Lien Hua Chih Research Center) to help expand the lacquer orchard by selecting the best tree seedlings and creating perfect cultivating environment. As a result they became partners


The "Gold Rush of Puli" suffered due to injected impurity to the lacquer by greediness of some people and improper management as a result it has effected the quality of the product. Causing in general lack of confidence in product and the Japanese were reluctant to continue business with Taiwan. This again has caused to drop down the demand for Taiwanese lacquer. Finally in 1962 Japanese seized all buying activities with Taiwan. That dramatically lowered the price to TWD$32/ Kilo. Eventually some farmers started to cut the trees and plant bin-lan(Taiwanese replacement for chewing gum), The only home that manage still selling a high quality lacquer to Japan was the Hsu(徐阿龍) family Long()TM.


Few month later into 1962 the trees of Mr. A-Long-Hsu(徐阿龍) reached 10cm diameter. Unfortunately were not very productive. The quick growth was due to good nutrition casing the layer of tree trunks to be too close to each other and the bark too thin. Well at this point Mr. A-Long-Hsu(徐阿龍) came across a dilemma. "To cut or not To cut". Eventually he has chosen to keep tree and continue collecting whatever would come out from the poor trees.  About four month later the trees has showed that they are not "ugly duckling" as presumed, but rather ..., well in appreciation for being kept alive offered a fifteen times more than ever a tree was able to produce. That broke the record. the news about this phenomenon spread very quickly and once it reached Miaoli all the hell broke loose. Most of the lacquerer farmers, businessmen with their investments and whoever could tag along start to move to Puli.  That was rebirth of lacquer business in Puli making it a biggest Lacquer industry in Taiwan.


In 1963 Mr. A-Long-Hsu(徐阿龍) being bored with his achievement of purest lacquer in the world and the best quality. He started to work on further perfecting it.


Mr. A-Long-Hsu(徐阿龍) has involved his wife and his children in the business. All of them dedicated most of the time to the trees, often neglecting their health, personal and family responsibilities, which effects are still noticeable. Therefore, the dedication to keep the Taiwan Puli lacquer world recognition did come with a high price.

It is still necessary to share the Hsu secret with this world to ensure that the lacquer will not be lost. In this you can help as well as the governments and world wildlife organizations.


He studied the best way and technique to notch the trees with the least damage to them, he invested into understanding the trees them self. How they grow, what nutrition is the most beneficial and what makes them sad. If he had time he probably could write master theses about the lacquer trees from seeds to lacquer.


During his studies of the tree, he discovered the way to achieve increased quality of the lacquer as well as double the quantity of enzymes (台灣的漆酚) laccol by 3%. The perfection of the technique of cultivation of the tresses is very significant to the lacquer tree farmers as well to the business industry and to the Taiwan.


Evolution of Puli Natural lacquer Superiority

1. Cultivar improvement: Selecting the best seeds and right land location.

2. Improve skills to collect sap

a. The notch (for the seashell collector) should be 3 cm above ground to protect purity avoiding contamination by any debris falling into collecting containers

b. shift up the time to collect sap instead from 3am to start at midnight. Collect the containers move from 7am to 8am. It will increase the quantity, and the sun rays will help vaporize the moisture and increase the enzymes quantity.

3. Quality improvement:

a. prevent any contact with metal to avoid oxidation, which causes lacquer to blacken. The best would be a paper or wooden container.

b. any lacquer in collecting containers that is contaminated with water drops anything else cannot be placed together with rest of the collection. Lacquer that contacted with water may start fermentation process.

4. Strict control of export quality

a. High transparency, enzymes (laccol) minimum 64%

b. Every 20 kg bucket must weight 25Kg which includes 5kg as a business incentive.

c. Quality guarantee: which provides free exchange if customer is not satisfied.


It took about 2.5 years of strict supervisory to achieve the superior quality of lacquer. That helped Taiwan to win the reputation on Japanese market once again, nevertheless it came with conditions. It must be inspected by Mr. A-Long-Hsu(徐阿龍) and have burned on the container the dragon logo , which represents Longnan龍南天然漆博物館.


Longnan became a Golden Brand for lacquer known not only in Taiwan but as well internationally. This has rebuilt a confidence to Taiwanese farmers as a result expends lacquer trees forest. International business brought substantial amount of money to Taiwan; unfortunately only lasted 30 years.


Ten thousands of people grew up on drinking lacquer milk. Many farmers and businessmen in region depended on Longnans knowledge of lacquer trees. Mr. Hsurealizing that he needed to keep the art of lacquer to go on for as long it was possible. Hsu has involved Nagaise Kityo chemistry professor in Tokyo University. Mr. Chen Lio Wan (陳劉旺) Professor at Taiwan University and graduated from Tokyo University. Their contribution to Longnan lacquer was to understand chemistry of lacquer. They helped to improve process of developing enzymes to match quality of Japan, Korea, or China. The drying speed, the transparency and hardening depends on enzymes. Principle of Jia-yi University Dr. Qiou Yi Ren paid visit to Longnan and lacquer enzymes attracted his interest.  He started to research about the enzymes and how to improve activities of enzymes. Then he started research group on studying lacquer enzymes to fight cancer and benefit its patients. He extended this field to cosmetics.


In 1974 Taiwan produced 293 tons of lacquer; half of it was exported to Japan. It also benefit the furniture makers, artist in the area of Taipei, Shinchu, Lukan, DaShi; high quality furniture makers and businessmen.

Their products were exported, bringing financial satisfaction. Puli became the home town of Taiwan Natural Lacquer. With time and the society cultural changes, the appreciation of lacquer diminished, lowering the demand for it.


The period from 19th to 20th century reminds me of typical American hero / love story move plot. Hard working at the beginning, booming, falling, and after this rollercoaster. Like after thunder there was quiet in the lacquer field. Despite calm market Hsu family insisted to continue the culture of lacquer. From what it left they created a museum to preserve the important piece of Taiwanese and lacquer history for the future generation in hope that the lacquer will flourish once again.


In 1988 originally created a Longnan lacquer ware studio (later on gained the title of museum) that contains lacquer ware and all the tools used for lacquer production. It contained the treasures of 6 generations.  The studio contained as well antique and unique lacquer ware art that is over 100years old. The spectrum of tools in the studio is the collection of the evolution of its development. as they were improving and adjusting to do the job.  The main exhibits are tools to plant lacquer trees, to collect sap, notch the tree for extracting sap. Machine Sa Bai Siki to Ryou Ki Kai for refining lacquer. Variety of buckets to transport and store lacquer. around 5 to 6thousand hinoki (Cypress) buckets, bucket to filter lacquer and tools to filter, 25kg capacity Taiwanese hinoki buckets, apparatus to check quality of lacquer, packing tools including trademarks emblems. Machines to produce lacquer ware. The art production studio. Export documents, the analysis, research documents. Entering the museum it is like stepping back to ancient atmosphere of the time.


In 2001 April 19th the vice president Mrs. Lū Siù-liân(呂秀蓮) visited Longnan Natural Lacquer Museum. She expressed her support and admiration for the Museum. She was impressed about the Hsu family preserving of part Taiwanese culture. She acquired luxury, elegant set of lacquer ware with a pure gold accent. Through that gesture, she managed to introduce Longnan efforts to the presidential office.


In 2002 14th of October Longnan organized on its premises a meeting dedicated to Natural lacquer from Puli has a compound that can help fight cancer. Participants:

From Taiwan (some of the 10 participant):

吳培琳 Dr. Wu Pei Lin Chemistry professor from Chengong University,

林淑萍 Dr. Lin Shu Ping from Taiwan University Hospital.

邱義源Dr. Chio Yu Ren Principle Jia Yi University

Previous Nantou County Mayor 林宗男 Mr. Zon-Nan-Lin

From Japan (one of the 10 participants): 蜷川彰 Dr. Akira Ninagawa


The ACS(American Chemical Society) has posted research reports on Journal of Natural Products.

Longnan Honorable Visitors of 2004 and their titles at that time

In 2004 Hakka Association manager Mrs. 葉菊蘭.

2004 November 22nd Hakka Association Commissioners Mr. 羅文嘉 Lo Wen Jia proposed to build Hakka Natural Lacquer Center and Mr. 黃○良 Huang.

On 2005 June 15th Film producer Mr. 張○華 Jang and Director侯○賢 Hou Xiao Xien, (三視多媒體團隊) Media Team SanShi. On request of International Museum came to Longnan to film procedure about collecting the sap and producing lacquer ware.

On 2006 February China Lacquer Carving Lacquer factory CEO Mr. 周○平 came to visit Longnan.

2007 October 26th Taipei International Museum, order sets of lacquer ware, made by 徐仁樑it was replica of 「清代剔紅花卉小圓盒」 Qing Dynasty carved box. 

2009 March 15th Manager of Taipei National Museum team of 28 people led by Dr. 周功鑫 Zhou Gon Xin at the end of the visit left a theme 「以文會友、以友輔仁」"Through culture to friendship, united make prosper"

2016 February 19th 10am from (日本石川縣) Japan Ishikawa Prefecture Congressman team(11 people) led by Manager森正樹Mori Masaki and 中山勝Masaru Nakayama, in association with Taiwan Foreign Affair came to learn from Longnan how to grow natural lacquer trees, production of lacquer ware and marketing.


龍南天然漆博物館 Longnan Natural lacquer Museum, is the strongest one out of the few that left in Taiwan preserving lacquer culture and business. Longnan is 6 generations old that is about 100 years of families dedication to the lacquer. Each generation contributed to the growth, nevertheless there is a limitation to full prosper. One of them is the space; it is not possible at this point with current resources to display all the treasure, for public eyes. This cripples Longnan to be fully functional. Another drawback is that in 2006 one of Longnans factories was burn down, until today the perpetrator was not identified.


As an Individual it is not easy to continue such treasure of Taiwan, which was developed by private hands without support of Government. At this moment, if there is no interest in preserving the natural lacquer. The culture, the skills and resources that were discovered over a century by hundreds of people. Then in the near future it can only be viewed in the archives, internet lost pages, and some videos. As I see the only hope is in God.


This article is published in 2017 ASIAN NATURAL LACQUER EXHIBITION & FORUM.


    創作者 臺灣天然漆百年史 的頭像

    台灣漆藝文學創作家 徐苑菁 Yuan-Ching Hsu

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